

Essay #1

Caitlin O’Connor September 5th, 2019 ENGL 101-133/134 Essay #1: Summary/ Response Dave Mosher (2012) writes about pronounceable names in his article Easily Pronounced Names May Make People More Likable. He explains when we process a piece of information easier, we come to like it more. The idea that the brain favors Information that’s easy to use, dates back to the 1960s. In the Article they discuss how what conclusions might you come to about someone if his or her name is hard to pronounce and what factors come into play when making judgements about someone.  The first study in What ‘s in a Name (2005) says that people can partly predict a person’s income and education using only their first name. I don’t agree with this because you cannot predict someone's life by judging their name. “ The effect is often very, very hard to quantify because so much depends on context, but it’s there and measurable,” Said Alter. One of the 3 tests they ran on surnames concluded ...

Final Project Globlization and Climate Change

My final project is on globalization and climate change. In this video my group talks about the negative and positive effects globalization is having on climate change. We talk about how it effects us as humans and how it's impacting our earth. I talk in the beginning talking about what globalization and climate change means and how they effect each other in different aspects. Next my group member talks about agriculture. Then my other group member talks about weather. All in this was a fun project and I hope you enjoy the video.

Essay #3

Caitlin O’Connor Essay #3 English 101             Globalization is the process by which different societies, cultures, and regional economies integrate through a worldwide network of political ideas through transportation, communication, and trade. This process happens in all parts of the world. Globalization is the increasing communication between the two countries of the world uniting. The acceleration in globalization can be attributed to an increase in free-trade activities, emerging technologies, or the worldwide acceptance of markets. Globalization is supported by economic theory of neoliberalism.             First, I’m going to explain the pros and cons of globalization. The increase in jobs is a direct consequence of globalization, especially in developing countries. In under developing countries because important countries build factories in poor ...

Essay #4

Caitlin O’Connor 10/30/19 Engl 101-133 Essay 4 cause and effect Has technology made us less social? I believe that technology today has made everyone antisocial. Everywhere you go you’ll see that everyone is face down in their phone walking on sidewalks, sitting with a group of friends at a cafe, or even driving on the road. We are so glued to this new technology today we that we missed big moments or even we forget our friends. Nowadays we would rather sit at home and binge watch Netflix rather than go out with friends and make memories and appreciate the moments with friends and family. I’ll be talking about the effects technology has on us today. Today’s technology has complete control over us, We may not know it but it does. Everywhere we go we can’t be without our phones. We can’t miss a single notification we get from every app no matter what, we would rather read an article from facebook, or make a match on tinder, or even message someone else rath...


Caitlin O’Connor English 101 Essay #2: Comparison/ Contrast Paper 9/20/19                                                 Ashton Kutcher vs. Batman               “A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities” (Definition of Hero). By this definition anyone can be a hero. What makes a hero and hero are the people who make them one. Different generations idolize different people and different heroes. Heroes are people that we look up too. They all have unique qualities that make one different from the other. Two examples of heroes from different backgrounds are Ashton Kutcher and Batman. These heroes can be compared by...